v 1.4.0 #170 - Problem with more than one date inputs at the dialog. #148 - New theme twitter-bootstrap #150 - Optimizing the SELECT statement for counting rows. #144 - Unique fields as new functionallity for unique fields in the database. #129 - Small bug uploading images. #142 - Extras doesn't work properly when the field doesn't exist in the database #158 - New method name set_crud_url_path. This method is useful when the path is not specified correctly. #163 - Custom field type label for true_false. Like hidden, enum and set. Noty Jquery Plugin to load when you delete a record. Upgrading Jquery to Jquery 1.10.2 Multiple grids in one page. New language: Catalan. Add "view" as new action. Small bug fixes: - #165 - add_action "url_has_http" issue - #166 - Improved file upload error handling - #167 - add_action method in Twitter_Bootstrap theme, doesn't update the dropdown properly v 1.3.3 #102 - Unsigned field type bug. #103 - Multiple columns search filtering at datatables. #113 - Relation n_n missing when unset field. Adding languages: Bengali, Slovak, Korean. Stop supporting Codeigniter version 2.1.1 with ugly workarounds. Use fancybox for previewing the thumbnails at the list page. Transliteration characters for uploaded files. Updating jQuery Plugins and third party addons: - Updating jQuery to version 1.8.2 - jQuery UI Library to v1.9.0. - Timepicker Addon for jQuery UI Datepicker to v1.0.5. - jQuery UI Multiselect and adding localization files for it. - jQuery Numeric plugin to v1.3.1. - jQuery Chosen plugin to v0.9.8. - Updating CKEditor to v3.6.5 with minimum setup. - Updating TinyMCE to v3.5.7. v 1.3.2 #98 - Add more field types. - Dropdown field type. - Multiselect field type #101 - Size of a request header field exceeds server limit for datatables. #97 - Add new method and functionality - unset_jquery_ui #46 - Supporting IE7. #95 - Export and print doesn't remove the html tags. v 1.3.1 Updating "Export","Print" and "Minimize/Maximaze" lang strings Renewing to the latest tinymce version Jquery version 1.8.1 Fixing small bugs v 1.3 #73 - Jquery version 1.8.0 #88 - Where clause in set_relation_n_n. #87 - Templating system to the set_relation_n_n method. #82 - Have a thumbnail after uploading an image. Adding Czech Language. Internationalisation for datepicker ui and datetime picker. #86 - Print functionality to both flexigrid and datatables theme. #85 - Export functionality to both flexigrid and datatables theme. Print functionality to datatables theme. Having CKEditor as the default texteditor for grocery CRUD. Adding Markitup texteditor. Really useful editor for developers. #68 - set_relation doesn't work as expected when the third field (title name) is the same on two or more set_relation methods. #80 - method order_by doesn't work correctly on datatables theme. More configuration values: - Choose text-editor between 'ckeditor','tinymce' or 'markitup'. - Choose text-editor type between 'minimal' or 'full'. - Character limiter at the columns of the list page. v 1.2.3 Compatible with Codeigniter version 2.1.1 Adding Hungarian language. Adding new method: field_type. For now it is just an alias to the change_field_type method. #49 - Adding new method: set_primary_key. #27 - Adding value to enum and set of the change_field_type method. #44 - Changing the date format at the list table. For example the 10 Jan 2003 has to be 10/01/2003. #56 - Field type true_false now uses default value. #42 - Insert ids to all the inputs for easy Javascript changes. Bug fixes: #30 - Change field type doesn't work if the field is not at the table. #38 - required_field doesn't work for relation_n_n fields. v 1.2.2 Adding Dutch language. Adding a new method "unset_back_to_list". Unsets everything that has to do with buttons or links with go back to list message. #23 - When we use $crud->where() method it doesn't work as expected with the search of flexigrid. #28 - Change the hardcoded JavaScripts and CSS with variables. #25 - Adding a new method "unset_list". Unsets the first list and the ajax_list and gives an exception error for the user that tries to access it. Adding a new button/feature "save and go back to list". When a user press the button "save and go back to list" it is automatically redirect you to the list page when a successful save is done. Adding the default_per_page at the config file. This specifies the first visit per page that a user should see at the list page. For example 25 rows per page. #13 - The list search and ordering is not working with the n-n relation columns. Small bug fixes: #20 - Pressing tab and enter after adding a date or a datetime field it clears the date. #21 - By default the texteditor transform the utf8 to html entities. #22 - Doesn't recognize that a tinyint 1 or int 1 can just take a numeric value more than 1. v Small bug fixes: #18 - Returning $this to all the callbacks methods. "set" type doesn't work properly. v.1.2.1 Adding languages: Afrikaans, Danish, Japanese, Romanian. Adding 3 new methods. unset_fields, unset_add_fields and unset_edit_fields. Renewing Javascripts: tinymce. Issue #14 - In firefox browser if you add more than one textarea. Only the last textarea works properly. Issue #16 - Flexigrid's Search string get garbled with multibyte string. Adding the "set" field type. Adding the "readonly" field type. Adding lang strings: "set_relation_title", "list_record", "form_inactive", "form_active"; v.1.2 Adding languages: Arabic, Chinese, European Portuguese, German , Persian, Polish, Indonesian, Turkish, Ukrainian. Adding date format to the auto date fields. The format can be dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy or the old-one yyyy-mm-dd. Adding date-time format to the auto date-time fields. The format is chosen by the default date format (uk-date , us-date or sql-date). Adding a new uploader. Works with the most common browsers. Internet Explorer 8+, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari. Changing the interface of the form inputs. Now all the text inputs looks like bootstrap's inputs. Adding a where clause at the 4th argument to the simple set_relation method. Adding order by clause at the 5th argument to the simple set_relation method. Adding 3 new callbcaks, callback_upload, callback_before_upload, callback_after_upload. BUG fix - unset_jquery function now works properly. BUG fix #9 (The form's clear functionallity don't work properly after the insert). RENAMING METHODS: callback_escape_insert to callback_insert, callback_escape_update to callback_update, callback_escape_delete to callback_delete RENAMING CLASSES: grocery_Field_Types to grocery_CRUD_Field_Types grocery_Model_Driver to grocery_CRUD_Model_Driver grocery_Form_validation to grocery_CRUD_Form_validation grocery_Layout to grocery_CRUD_Layout grocery_States to grocery_CRUD_States grocery_Model to grocery_CRUD_Model v.1.1.8 Add new jquery version 1.7.1 Changing the drop-down list of the set_relation. Now the drop-down list has unique design for all the browsers, is searchable and also can be empty. Changing the layout or relation n-n (only without the ordering field). The new one, is much more user friendly and easier to handle lot of data. Adding languages: Italian, Russian. Small BUG fixes: - Auto-recognize enum fields for CI 2.1 - Don't print " " if a value is empty, is useless - Smal but important CSS Fixes. - #7 set_relation BUG conflict when a field name appears twice. Manipulating NULL data. Automatically add NULL to a NULL-able field when it's empty. v.1.1.7 Multilingual functionality, adding languages: Bulgarian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai. Fixing issue #3, replace mysql_escape_string() with str_replace. This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Fixing issue #5, set_relation with multiple fields don't work with NULL-able fields. Fixing issue #6, unique_hash issue (not unique when having same method name in 2 diff. controllers). Changing license. Grocery CRUD is released with dual licensing, using the GPL v3 (license-gpl3.txt) and the MIT license (license-mit.txt). v.1.1.6 New feature: Multilingual functionality. Remember the search text and the field name at the list that user had insert. Method set_relation - New feature to add more than one fields to the title of the related table. Adding Timestamp as an automatic date and time field. Change the business logic of adding js and css files. This is really useful for a FUTURE feature with multiple tables in the same view. A temporary solution for the search for All that have a relation_n_n. Small Bug fix - adding tinyint as a type to autogenerate the true_false type (active-inactive) for tinyint at CI 2.1 Fixing issue #1 - flexigrid width was always 960px. Now has always 100% width. v.1.1.4 Bug Fix - When you have unset edit and unset delete in your actions and also you have insert one or more add_action, the column Actions disapeared. Adding a new field type named "password". This is a simple transformation of the field input from text to password and it hides the password from the list grid. Changing state name insert and update to... "insert" and "update" and not "add" and "edit" that was till this revision. Fully compatible with codeigniter 2.1 - Changing the library of CI_Form_Validation and adding it into the library of grocery CRUD for stability. v.1.1.3 Changing the functionality of the private method _theme_view. Now it's not dependent with the Loader of codeigniter. So every template controller, HMVC, e.t.c. can work well with grocery CRUD now. Changing the library core and make it more minimal and more powerful. New method unset_jquery. Very useful, if you already have the jquery library at your basic template.This is good to avoid jquery conflicts. BUG fix - No more conflicts between flexigrid tables. There was a cookie conflict between different lists. BUG fix - The set relation now works if you add the same table name twice. Renaming the folder public to assets. Grocery CRUD is now ready to be a spark. Changing the functionality and the javascript of the uploader. There is no need to have $config['enable_query_strings'] set to true anymore. v.1.1.2 Renaming the label "Tools" to "Actions". Creation of new field type : "hidden" to add hidden fields. You can also add a value to the hidden field. Updating Javascripts: datatables, file_uploader. Disable sorting of the row "Actions" on datatables theme and fix the actions hover on paging that didn't work. Adding new feature/function add_action. Adds icons and urls for custom "actions". Adding .htaccess files to the views of themes for security reasons. v.1.1 Bug Fix - Datetime picker now works fine to an empty input. It also works fine to the add operation. When the edit and the delete is unset then dissapear the column Tools. The default library/model is not in a third party but has been moved in the main codeigniter foldering for better functionality and to use it in both CI 1.7.x and CI 2.0.x . Delete the grocery Exceptions Library. Everyone can create his own exception library . It was just an example. Add new jquery version 1.6.2 and renewing some plugins. Remove php short tags. No direct script access allowed on the views. Renaming function set_relation_1_n to set_relation_n_n. The functionality has not change. Removing the libraries MY_Output.php and MY_Loader.php from the core folder. Removing the folder template. The template was just an example and confused lot of people. Fully compatible with Codeigniter versions 1.7.x , 2.0.0 - 2.0.3. Creation of new field type : "invisible". Very useful if you use callbacks.