Invalid command line arguments: syntax: php reindex_solr.php [workspace_name] [reindexall|reindexmissing|optimizeindex|reindexone] [-skip {record_number}] [-reindextrunksize {trunk_size}] [-appuid {APP_UID}] Where reindexall : reindex all the database. reindexmissing: reindex only the missing records stored in database. (records defined in APP_SOLR_QUEUE table are required) optimizeindex: optimize the changes in the search index. (used to get faster results) Optional Options: -skip {record_number}: used to skip a number of records. ex: -skip 10000 //skips the first 10000 records. -reindextrunksize {trunk_size}: specify the number of records sent to index each time. ex: -reindextrunksize 100 //(default = 1000) Reduce the trunk if using big documents, and memory is not enough.